Creating and the Sacral Chakra

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Creating and the Sacral Chakra

As you might imagine, there is the potential for many seeds to be planted in this area and this area is fertile ground for manifesting our creativity and inspiration. It is a place where our ideas and beliefs can take hold and grow. This is true whether those ideas, beliefs, and inspirations are helpful or not. Nothing can grow unless a seed is first placed in the soil and it begins to take root.

Your seeds take root when they are given energy and nourishment. We naturally have a desire to create and see our ideas become reality. What grows must first be planted, and what might be fertile ground for one thing may not be fertile ground for something else.

Think about the ideas you may hold about yourself, your potential, your ability to have what you want. The soil for nurturing positive ideas is going to be different than those that feed the negative ideas.

Our body has seven main chakras. While many discuss twelve important chakras and even more minor chakras, I want to talk about the one that is relevant to our wombs and conception. Our sacral chakra.

Where is it? The sacral chakra is your second chakra and is located in your lower abdomen in the area of the womb or navel. It is accessible from the front or back of the body as it is energetic and passes through.

What it controls and helps with: The sacral chakra is you’re the center for creativity and inspiration. If you want to create life, real or metaphorically, this chakra needs to be balanced and clear. The associated color for this chakra is orange.

Getting Your Creative Center – That Sacral Chakra Going

How can you get this chakra spinning for creativity? Try these simple ideas, but remember the most important thing is holding intention.

Using Prayer or Mediation

Prayer or meditation are great methods because you don’t need any tools.

Golden Ray Visualization for Sacral Chakra

Sit or kneel or stand (it really doesn’t matter) and imagine a beautiful golden ray of light coming into the top of your head (crown chakra) and flowing down your body to near your naval where your sacral chakra. Let it fill up that area with that golden light. Imagine that golden color deepens to like the sunset to an orange as it moves through your sacral chakra, energizing it. See your creative center expanding.

Prayer/Meditation for Sacral Chakra

Know and speak or think these things for yourself

  1. I am a creative person by nature
  2. I create easily and effortlessly because it is my nature
  3. I am grateful for the flow of creativity in my life and through my artistic craft

Thank you (always say thank you, it’s polite.)

Using Crystals

For this method, you’ll need at least one crystal to help hold the intention.

I suggest either a nice clear quartz crystal (universal crystal) or a natural orange crystal of your choice. Don’t choose a crystal that has been colored or dyed.

Sit or lay or stand, but be relaxed and comfortable. Place the crystal against your sacral chakra and hold it there while you continue. Imagine the energy of the crystal flowing into your body as you follow the golden ray visualization above.

Feel the connection of the energy from the crystal in front of you and the golden ray entering you from above. While feeling this energy flow imagine that chakra opening up like a beautiful flower with countless petals, in hues of orange and deep yellows. Allow this to continue until you are ready to end. You may also continue with the prayer/meditation above.

I always like to end any energy work with gratitude. A simple thank you for the highest good and best outcome can suffice.

Are you a creative artist? How do you get your juices flowing? Read the post – Three Tips for Getting the Heart Flow Going – For Creative Artists