
Do Less, Permission to Decline

Sometimes it feels counterintuitive, but if we do less it can mean having more.

When I think about how much we as women are ‘expected’ to do and all we are expected to be I believe we need to give ourselves permission to do less, where we can.

Recently I’ve given myself permission to do less. I considered for a few months offering one on one personal training. I love training, working out, helping women get healthier but realized that the demand of training clients one on one or on a repeated schedule didn’t align with my vision for freedom and flexibility. I like to be on my own schedule and work in my own time and personal training wouldn’t allow me. I felt a little bit of guilt when I made this decision, but ultimately that was replaced with relief. 

Every Opportunity Isn’t An Opportunity

As opportunities come to do more, sometimes we must make the conscious decision to instead do less so that we can ultimately have more and create a life by our design and not by external demands.

As a creative and intuitive, I have often struggled with this. Use my gifts? Don’t? Which ones in which ways. Will the use align with my vision for my life and my wellness? Will it align with my vision for my shero life? This kind of check in is key if you are on your own shero’s journey because well-meaning distractions and misplaced opportunities can easily take you off course.

Decide What To Do Less Of

I encourage you to write out all the things you ‘do’ as part of your work, life, career, and voluntarism. Sit with each one and feel into it from your heart. Does it give you a heaviness or icky feeling or does a surge of energy go through, or maybe nothing at all. All of those physical responses, when guided from a heart space, will help lead you. 

If you know how to use a pendulum,  you can also use one to confirm your feelings in a way you can see. 

There’s a freedom that comes with midlife and the experiences we’ve already lived through. You know what makes you tick, what lights you up, and what saps your energy. Decide to do less of those things that don’t give you what you want so you can have more of a life you love. You know…that one with more wellness, joy and love.

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