Blog Purpose Wellness

What’s the Point of Anything?

What’s the Point of Anything?

What’s the point?

I probably ask myself this question every month about something or another. I mean really? What’s the point?

What’s the point of doing this?

What’s the point of being in your inbox?

What’s the point of the podcast?

The books?

The offerings?

What’s the point of not doing some of these things? That’s a valid question I ask myself too.

Figuring out the point of anything and everything can feel daunting. It can feel especially difficult in a world that wants us to always be on and going, trying to keep up with the million things both inside our homes and outside of our homes, on social media, and for our livelihoods. It can be a lot!

In my newest book, Who Moved My Curves? I teach the rest-reset principle as the first of the four RENT principles. The idea behind this is that we must come back to center, heal, and literally rest and reset ourselves holistically.

But what’s the point of it all? Why do you bother with any given project, activity, or commitment? I mean all of the things? We can ask this question about everything from what’s the point of the job we have, the relationships, the food we eat, the movement we do, the hobbies we pursue, the money we spend, the money we save. All of it can be on the table.

If your head is about to explode, take a few deep breaths, and then keep reading.

Knowing the Point of It So You Can Live with Inspired Intention

You aren’t here accidentally and the grand arc of our lives should be based on our intentional and inspired choices that lead to intentional and inspired action. Chance, luck, and good fortune, and spontaneity definitely play a role, but imagine we’re using the intentional inspiration for eighty percent of it.

To get to that, we need to answer the question of what’s the point?

As a multi-passionate creative who also has a passion for helping women step into their power and purpose I’m driven by both of these. They converge in my books, writing and other areas. 

It’s also true that I don’t have to do any of it. My life would be full of ease and free time if I didn’t write, publish, and try to help other women. And as wild as it seems, I might actually net more money! 

So if I don’t have to do this, what’s the point? 

Getting to the Point of Anything – Using the Rest-Reset Principle

Here’s an exercise for getting to the point of anything, using the Rest-Reset principle. 

  1. Write Down the Question and Rest with It
    1. You don’t have to go into a deep meditation, but you can. You can sit quietly and close your eyes and invite Spirit or your higher self, inner knowing to guide you to the point of each thing you bring into question. 
    2. You can do a walking meditation, you can plant the question and then go about your day and wait for the inspiration to hit while you’re doing other things. They can all work and since we’re all wired differently, different things work for different people. But write the question down, ask it, and wait (rest).
  2. Explore Your Feelings and Emotions Around It
    1. Explore the feeling you get internally, the emotions that you have when you ask each question. I talk about the body scan in the book, but you can use that scan with these questions too. If I ask ‘how does it feel for me to continue doing X?’ I can sit or stand and tune into my body from top to bottom to see where I feel it and what that feeling brings up. 
    2. What emotions are connected to the feeling? I can tap into it. I can also ask, ‘how does it feel for me to stop doing X?’. Follow the same process. Which makes you feel better and more at ease? Does one leave you feeling heavy and tense? 
    3. Journal about what comes up for both of these questions in any of the areas you want to know ‘the point of’.
  3. Ask Yourself ‘How Does X Connect with My Divine Purpose?’
    1. If you’ve done the first two steps this will come easier. Ask the question and journal the response you receive. Again, you don’t have to do a sit down, quiet meditation. It can be like what you did in step one. 
    2. If you can’t see how X connects with your divine purpose, then determine which area it fulfills in your life. I like to think of four main buckets -wellness, joy, love, and abundance (and this can simply be life’s overflow). It doesn’t have to be your work. We all have a divine purpose around how we serve and show up to contribute to the world. But we also have a divine purpose to add to the collective consciousness by expanding wellness, joy, love, and the energy of abundance. Does X connect with your divine purpose in any of these areas? If not, should you continue (how’d you feel about it when you did step two?). 
    3. There are some things we do and we really don’t know why. It doesn’t fulfill us, it doesn’t bring us wellness, joy, love, or abundance. But we keep doing them and these are the things we need to really look at. Consider the last of my four RENT principles, Truth along with the Rest-Reset principle here because many times we just keep going along doing something because that’s what we’ve always done, even if it’s not working and there really is no point.

Last week, I didn’t publish a podcast. I don’t know if a single soul besides myself noticed this fact. But I didn’t. Why? Because I had to ask myself the question of ‘what’s the point?’ and whether it was in alignment with my divine purpose. Reluctantly, I had to admit that it wasn’t. It wasn’t reaching those I wanted to reach. So, I let it go.

Funny thing is I asked in my newsletter last week a question to see if anyone noticed and if they’d answered they would’ve gotten a free eBook copy of Who Moved My Curves? No one responded – so that was another confirmation it was the right move to let it go.

Despite feeling like I speak into the void usually, I know that God has blessed me so that I can help uplift others. I know money and wellness can bring freedom, empowerment, security, opportunity, and the finances to create experiences and take care of ourselves and the people and causes we care about. Money and wellness can mean liberation. I want to help liberate others so the world is a better place.

So what’s the point of the things you’re doing? Let me know how this exercise helps you hone in on the things that point you to your divine purpose.

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