Know When to Say Yes

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Last year in September, after realizing school conflicts with the schedule, I chose to stay behind to handle business at home while my husband went to Cairo for a week for business. I thought that was the best choice at the time. 

Looking back eight months into an active pandemic, indefinitely postponed plans, and homeschooling, 2020 has definitely given me clearer vision and perspective. 

If given the choice again I’d argue the value of that trip, the experience for all of us over what we stayed behind for. Learning isn’t confined to classrooms and top down curricula. I’d have taken that chance to see the pyramids and sphinx rather than have mementos of an unlived experience. 

Egyptian Sphinx

My advice to anyone is this: Say yes when it’s right. Take the road that feels most right but may still feel uncertain. Live like every year is going to be another 2020.

Egyptian Royal

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