Your Emotions and Subconscious
Let’s be honest. Change isn’t easy. In fact it can be downright hard. We’re dealing with a history of living with whatever we want to change. You can try to change your emotions but there is physical and neurological programming associated with the behavior we want to change. There is literally a chemical reaction that happens in our body when we decide we are going to do something different. Our subconscious mind has a goal and it doesn’t care about anything else besides your survival. It has a job to do and has gotten really good at it.
What if our subconscious is overreacting?
Several years ago, I visited the clinic for my yearly allergy spell where I’d lose my voice. This was probably around 2015-2016. This had been happening for more than a decade. I’d get some allergy medicine and a prescription and my voice would come back. It once happened when I was auditioning to sing in early October. Ruinous! I didn’t know what to do because the seasonal allergies here in Georgia are brutal.
That year I went to a clinic and the nurse practitioner explained what was happening in my body. That the allergens were getting in and my body was waging an unholy war, throwing everything at it. Essentially overreacting. I didn’t know that the antihistamines were basically blowing it all out of proportion! No one had ever explained this, in all the years of me dealing with it. That was the last year I ever lost my voice. Even now, using flonase (or its equivalent) only moderately, I have never gotten to the point of not being able to speak and I don’t even need to do it all the time.
My realization of what was happening inside helped me tell my body that it didn’t need to react that way. We weren’t in that level of danger and the reaction didn’t match. My mind could wrap itself around what was happening and do something about it.
The Power of Our Mind, Body and Spirit
Our minds are powerful. Our bodies are powerful. Our spirits are powerful. When we put all three together? Nothing can stop us.

Does that mean instant change? Instant manifestation? For some. We have to understand that everything we see is created twice. First in the unseen and then in the seen. There are so many things in the unseen just floating about not being drawn into the physical because we haven’t tuned into its frequency consistently.
We know in our head we want to spend more time with our children, or partner, or get a better job, or better car. However, it’s the underlying emotions driven by our subconscious that is putting out the signal. It kind of stinks because most of us have heard of the law of attraction and that if we just think something long and hard enough it’ll come to pass. The problem is that is only partly true, and not even the biggest part.
Change Your Emotions and You Can Change Your Life
It’s when we get down to the emotional level that we start to scratch at change. If you can change your emotions and how you feel about yourself and who you are, you can start shifting your energy. When you start shifting your energy, the Universe can’t do anything but shift the energy around you to line up with your new energy. When that starts to shift other things come into position while old things fall away. It’s why people experience what feels like such shakeup and discomfort when they are trying to make significant changes in their lives. It can feel scary when what you knew and were accustomed to, suddenly isn’t what it used to be.
This is where the magic happens. Where you can rewrite the emotions and programming to line up with the life you want, the experiences, and the relationships. You can literally rewrite the brain and reprogram the signals that your subconscious sends to your brain and body that have been controlling you for years. I’ve done it and I won’t say it’s super easy but it is worth it.
You can Change
So, don’t believe you can’t change or that you can’t have the things you want. You can have it. You can have the quality of life you want. It only requires making the first choice – a decision.
Can you decide that you are willing to try something new to get something new? Even if you don’t know exactly what it means or what will come up?
If you can say yes to that, give yourself a chance. Remember it starts with your emotions. Flood yourself with the way you will feel when you have it and keep that emotional flood happening until it starts to shift your energy.
You can do it. You deserve it.
Do you have the quality of life you want?
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