Sometimes You Have to Walk

Sometimes you have to go for a walk.

I think of all those who had the courage to look at themselves and say, it’s time or enough or I can’t anymore or I won’t anymore. Simone Biles brought to the international stage an issue of self-love and self-care too many of us have struggled with in our private lives. Having the courage to say no. Having the wisdom to know when something isn’t in your best interest- whether it is emotionally, mentally or physically.

Simone represents all of us and so does Naomi Osaka. We deserve to be able to turn off the outside world and just be who we are – knows are complete and whole, without anything from anyone else. And when someone devalues you, mistreats or abuses you, darn right you walk away.

"The moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment to absolutely and utterly walk away." - Alysia Harris

I remember being a 28 year old with a toddler and wondering what I was going to do about my marriage at the time. I’d been emotionally battered since 19 and had reached that breaking point. Something in me had changed, remembered who I had been. I looked at my daughter and said if for no other reason, she deserved better. I didn’t want her to believe that what I was in was healthy or normal. I didn’t want her to one day be in the same situation because it was what she saw every day.

I can only imagine what it must feel like to be in front of the entire world, exposed and vulnerable with expectations heaped on your shoulders- seen as nothing more than a means to an end. It takes courage to step back and say no. To walk away from expectations and oftentimes invisible pain and suffering. No one sees the shadows another battles. They are there. We all have shadow and light. Many times we ignore, cover and deny our shadows but it doesn’t make them less real. Be your light. Own your shadow. Walk away from those things that devalue you and your humanity and keep moving.

Is it easy? No. Is living on pain easy? No. One can get better. I deserved better and to remember to love myself. Simone and Naomi deserved better. If you feel like you’re being devalued and have to justify your existence to feel worthy of love or acceptance, you deserve better to.

It’s time we take care of ourselves because, especially as women, if we don’t who will? We’ve been holding it down for everyone else for so long we’ve forgotten to hold ourselves up. Maybe it’s time for fresh air and that long awaited walk.

You are worthy, deserving, and here on purpose!

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