For When You Have Disagreements, Arguments, or Behavior Correction I’m sharing this list of 5 things to avoid in difficult conversations in families because nobody likes arguing or disagreements. They …
How I Chose Gratitude (And So Can You!)
How I Chose Gratitude (And So Can You!) Happy Thanksgiving! I wrote this blog prior to Thanksgiving, because, ummmm family. Right? I knew I wanted to talk about gratitude and …
Know Your Worth
Please please know, recognize, and honor your worth. When you do this you model it for your children. They should know their worth too.
An “Interview” with Playwright Bernette about Four Wives and a Will
If I were you I might be asking some questions about this Four Wives and a Will show and this SheATL Summer Theater Festival. So let me step into the …
Four Wives and a Will in SheATL Summer Theater Festival
Will Crossman’s untimely death brings all his ex-wives together to divide his estate. But none of them are prepared for a secret that could change everything they thought they knew. Four …
Hold the Promise
Having that kind of clarity on your strengths and what you can offer the world is key to pulling out and using your personal superpowers- your magic.✨
BZO Interview with Bernette
Watch the BZO Interview with Bernette on Playback Watch the BZO Interview with Bernette in full. If you missed my interview discussing my book The Story of Ervin James, being …
Talking About ‘The Craft’ and The Story of Ervin James at Atlanta Writers Club
We’re pleased to announce that author Bernette Sherman will be a featured guest at the March 20th Atlanta Writers Club meeting. Bernette will be discussing ‘the craft’ of writing, specifically …
There is always a highway we have to merge onto in order to get to our next destination.
The Family Story Workbook Replay
I had a great time with Kris Spisak, Zachary Steele, Ricki Cardenas, and Vanessa Fortenberry for the Family Story Workbook panel discussion.